'Make everything as simple as possible but not simpler.' Albert Einstein, Physicist
This is the time of year when many of us evaluate and reassess aspects of our lives. What makes us happy; what wasn't successful; what is our plan to get to the bottom of things and to simply change for the better? The paradox of this is that in order to simplify we must have an understanding of the complex. In essence, simplicity is a thoughtful process! My last post explained our family's New Years ritual of picking Angel Cards: mine is 'Freedom' which is a word loaded with meaning for me to reflect on this year of 2011. It is most fitting today, as this is the day my youngest flies - literally he is in the air as I write this - to India. Although he graduates from College in May, his abilities have landed him an opportunity of a lifetime and he will venture so far from this nest to make his mark. I had a restless sleep last night; elated for him and his excitement, anxious at the same time for dangers that may be, and sad for my loss. I do realize now it is important to give myself the time to think. That is how I will make peace with this change, and embrace the many changes ahead. So today, I will sip that cup of Darjeeling tea- amidst the remnant and forlorn decorations, in the quiet and the dinn of this now empty house - and simply, think.
I am participating in WeekWord: Simplicity. Check out Silver Linings 4 Me to be further inspired!
Healthy New Year Everyone. Keep it simple!
ah, a perfect cup of tea....
Love this and totally agree, simplicity is a thoughtful process!
wonderful observations. simplicity can be quite the thoughtful process! luckily i stumble upon it every now and then, when i allow myself to notice!
to tea....and cheese!
Happy New Year!
What a lovely thoughful post and your pictures are elegant. It is fascinating to see the interpretations of what other people post on Weekword. Thank you for leaving such a nice comment on my post...and to tell the truth I like the picture you commented on too.(-:
What great photos! Nothing simple about motherhood. I hope your Darjeeling soothed you as you took time to think.
I know what you are going though.If you need a friend to talk to, you know where I am:)
Happy New Year!
Have some more Tea! Yum
xx Liz
The words "simplicity is a thoughtful process" really resonate. I think that's what striving for simplicity such a satisfying journey.
I love the rituals of New Year, the chance to think about our life in a finite space of time and decide if the next space should be different. Beautiful pictures as always, and a great post!
Sometimes changes force us to simplify. I think your thoughtful process is a wise one. Your photos show deep thought. I especially like the point of view of the first one.
your pics are so touching!
aren't we always mothering... I don't think we ever stop! although my daughters are in their 30's, I still need to know about their lives & think about their safety! health! & their passions! with the technological advances, I'm sure your son will be able to stay in touch. We Skype with my daughter who lives in Wash DC - which makes it nice to stay connected. ENJOY your tea & reflection time!
Maria, it was so good to see you the other day! I was just stopping by to check out your site and it is beautiful!
With a new year, brings new changes. Your life is certainly changing. I wish your son the best in his new adventures and I wish you peace in knowing that you did a great job in raising him to be who he is. How wonderful it is that he has the courage to take on such a huge opportunity and do it with confidence. Leaving home and going so far is not always easy.
Enjoy your tea, take a moment to be sad for his going but look forward to his many stories of all he is doing with his life.
I simply love the first photo. It instantly relaxes me thinking of my morning tea.
Wonderful photos! I especially love the tea kettle steaming. :)
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