"A well tied tie is the first serious step in life." Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish Playwright

Today, on this the shortest of daylight hours, we feel the pinch to get it all together; to wrap it up. I, for one, am not good at it, yet you would think I would be. A lover of all things beautiful, a stickler for chic elegant and polished,...a person with no patience when it comes to wrapping. My friend Pam has a gift and gives a gift of beauty - always. Her taste is exquisite and her ability to put it together amazes me; no matter how simple the item inside, it is the item outside that combines to make it special. For some really pretty ideas, go to Gathering Sprigs - Gifting and Giving. Heather's gifts are... lovely. Don't you agree half the fun is in the opening; sometimes you can judge a 'gift' by its cover!
As you spread out on the floor, with the kaleidoscope of paper, bows, and embellishments, don't forget to crank up the Holiday tunes and enjoy yourself. My feline friend does and I think she has the right idea!
I love the quote and the card. Perfect fit! Nowadays we can even buy wrapping paper that is completely made from recycled paper. The more we ask the more available. Love your kitty photos!
fun card and great quote to go with it!
i made a conscious decision to not stress anymore. i am now in a buttery cookie dough haze....
Love the kitty! I grew up with cats and miss having one. Right now my husband and I are talking about getting a cat or a dog since the kids are able to help now. I am leaning towards a cat because I just love their personalities.
I don't know if I ever thanked you for stopping by my blog a couple of weeks ago. I read your comments and then came over here to visit but I can't remember if I left you a comment. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by this new blogging life!! Anyway, I was so excited to hear about your life growing up in NJ and all the nice comments you said about the state! It really was so nice of you to leave such a detailed comment! Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!
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